Families are funny. With some wonderful spouses come a dysfunctional family and you wonder "How in the world did THEY come from THAT?!" But, in my situation, I think I got the best-case scenario: the" holy-grail-of-families-to-marry-into," if you will. I married into a family full of wonderful, fun-loving, genuinely HAPPY people that were so enthusiastic about me joining their ranks and becoming a "Stein." Now, they are a hilarious, very quick-witted and sarcastic bunch, which means I usually lay-low and let them tell the jokes for fear that they will "zing" me and I will have no comeback( I always come up with what funny retort i should have said hours later....tragic!).
But, more on Joe's sweet sister, E, ( the one who just visited us and wanted to go to Philly and run the 'Rocky Steps') has started a blog! Yay! So glad she's joined the bloggy world! You can link to her page here. Looking forward to this blog! It's called "365 things that scared me," and each new day she will attempt to face yet another fear. I read the first one today and it was a hoot... i'm intrigued how she will face the fear of ball-pits!
***Side note:Personally, I TOTALLY understand that fear! I remember being at Chuck-E-Cheese's when I was younger and discovering that things like tokens and tickets fall out of kids' pockets when they are playing in the ball-pits, so a friend and i would scour the bottom of the ball pits looking for treasures that others had left behind unknowingly. We were very proud of ourselves and our new-found riches until i pulled up (of all things!)....a dirty diaper! NO JOKE! Never have been able to face another ball-pit since!
She has such a great sense of humor- every time I am around her I am laughing so hard it hurts! Good luck to you, E, on your first blog- wishing you well as you confront a different fear everyday with smashing success! We love you very much!
PS: I have your next two fears for you right here...you already conquered the subway in a major metropolitan city without getting lost or losing an appendage to the doors that close too fast and will not re-open, and you conquered your fear of alligators (Joe saved you in the nick of time!)
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