Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb...

Well, today marks the two week mark of when i did something dumb. Very dumb. Sweet husband has been working hard and travelling a lot lately and i decided i couldn't wait anymore, I was going to do my garden by myself! So, I dragged and hauled 60lb bags of dirt and mulch acroos the yard when there was a loud,"POP!" in my neck and a pain like fire shot down my back and arm. Bad news bears!

The next morning, I could not move my neck, it had locked up. I saw my chiropractor everyday for a week, he swore that it would only be three days to heal, but after a week and a half of being miserable, it was time to try somthing else. I called my family doctor and made an appt. She was concerned and sent me to get xrays "STAT" ( i learned that little word pulls a lot of weight in the medical world!) and see a physical therapist "STAT."

I now have three medications daily, which make me feel like a total zombie:one anti-inflammatory, one is a muscle relaxer, and a pain pill. It is Thursday and I couldn't tell you what i even did Monday thru Wednesday this week. I go to the Physical Therapist three times a week for a minimum of six weeks and chiropractor in between.

I had to call my new job that i was so excited about and tell them to take me off of the schedule for all of July...they will call me if they decide to replace me. I feel like I am not making any progress. I was so excited to finally get out of the house and have a job and feel like I was doing something other than being a housewife.

For now, I am at home with orders from the doctor not to lift more than ten pounds and orders from the therapist not to lift my arms above my head or bend at my waist...what am I supposed to do? I think I will waddle around like a penguin, that'll show them!

I keep telling God, "Okay, You MUST have something you need to get me still enough to tell me, so here I am! Bring it on!"

Pray for healing. Pray that my muscles will loosen up enough to bring some relief. Pray that God will show himself to me and be my Healer and Provider.

(I think my mom and I need to get together and take care of each other...she has a terrible eye infection.)

1 comment:

  1. Blind leading the blind...even if we have to be pushed in wheel chairs through Seattle together.
