Oh, y'all! I just had the
best date night with my sweet man, and I wanted so badly to tell you Friday night, (but let's be real, who reads blogs on weekends, right?) and I had already scheduled a post for the first of the week, so my "Date Night" post had to wait a few days...
Date Night is becoming a sacred institution at the ole' Stein Casa lately... Joe is working SOOO much, and the dreaded "start-up" at the plant is looming, which means lots of odd-ball shifts; some nights, some weekends, more travelling, and LOTS of time away from me and Tex. Boo. BUT, the saving grace of the whole thing?
DATE NIGHT! I look forward to this all week!
Today was a long day for me. I got all gussied up this morning (just in case I got an interview) and went and personally passed out several applications to managers who I shamelessly sweet-talked, and then, to assure productivity and not fall into television temptation, I high-tailed it to Panera (yum!) for a while (which turned out to be almost six hours...yikes!) with my trusty lap-top to fill out even more applications online.
Joe met me at Panera for dinner (Bonus: i looked super cute-sy already for Date Night) and then we had a wonderful evening together. We went home and fed the dog and then went to one of our favorite little local spots for dessert! They do fondue there, which is a fun thing to do sometimes to switch it up a little. We picked the chocolate fondue for 2 and took it outside onto the patio (the weather was almost COLD, can you believe it?! Welcome, Fall!). We sat as long as we could and had great, long conversations( which I crave after being home all week by myself). Then, we drove to Maryland to see a movie (I just like saying that! It's really only about 30 minutes away.).
We saw "What If," which is a great Christian movie out in select theaters right now... and if it's in a city near you,
GO SEE IT! Trust me. We will be buying this movie when it comes out. It was a "It's a wonderful life" approach to a man's life and he gets the chance to look back at his life and see what would have happened if he would have followed GOD'S plan for his life, rather than following HIS plans and chasing after money, making it his "god." I really appreciated how much Scripture was used and that they did not try to sugar-coat it and make this a Hollywood version of Christianity. I was totally impressed this was even being shown at our theater ( which kind of took the sting out of paying $20 for two tickets...ouch!).
Over all, great date night with my man. Nights like tonight make me remember all the reasons I fell in love with him! I love you Joseph... thanks for a wonderful time, for being attentive and talking, even when you have used up all of your "man-quota-words" for the day at work, for opening my door and pulling out my chair for me, even after almost 3 yrs of marriage, for holding onto me when i wear heels that are
entirely too tall so I don't fall, for making me laugh, and for being the godly leader of our home. I love you so much and I can't say how thankful I am for you in my life. Lets have 60+ more years of great date nights together! ( I wish I would have taken some pics to post, but lately, every time I take pictures, Joe says "wait, is this going on the blog?")
(Keep praying that I get a full-time job ASAP! Thanks... I know God has one out there for me, I just need to find it soon so I don't go crazy here in this house! I'll keep you posted...)