Thursday, March 4, 2010

Catastrophic Cookies!

Not to toot my own horn, but I think I might possibly be in the running for making the best chocolate chip cookies...EVER. Ok, maybe it is bragging a little, but everyone has something, right? Well, mine is cookies and it makes my sweet husband so happy when I make them. He rolls his eyes and pretends like he is embarassed to take the extra plate to work the next day to share, but deep down, I think he's really proud to get to show them off like a little boy at show and tell. That's what I picture in my mind at least. But he always comes home with an empty tupperware... and yes, we have had "THE TUPPERWARE TALK." You know, the one where you write your last name all over it and then threaten them within an inch of their lives if they don't return your prized tupperware home that same day because we all know that when women see good tupperware left at the office, it's as good as gone! Back to the empty tupperware, the thought has crossed my mind before that maybe the cookies never even made it to work; maybe he ate them all on the drive! I digress.

But seriously, cookies = my thing. K, end of story. If you think yours are better, we can have a bake off and I'm putting my money on me (shocking I know!).

Well, I keep my super-secret, highly-coveted recipe written on a very old, very worn index card that is usually kept safe in my index card box in the kitchen by all my other recipes. This is where the story gets intense: I made cookies right before we moved and the super-secret, highly-coveted recipe did not make it back into the box...GASP! I seriously think Martha Stewart snuck in again to try to steal another recipe from me. BAD MARTHA, BAD GIRL... remember prison, hmm? you wanna go back there? THEN RETURN MY RECIPE! Okay, being a tad dramatic, but THE COOKIE RECIPE IS LOST...this is serious stuff, people! You think you have made them so many times you could do it from memory, but not so my friends!

So, today, I thought I can do this, just think hard, look at the Nestle recipe, and modify it til it looks like the old one. Well, let me tell you, it was a flop. Disastrous, resounding, stinking flop. (Is that enough adjectives for you?) I tried to tell myself it was because of the higher elevation, new appliances that I'm not used to, a new mixer...see! I was so desparate that I even blamed my new mixer-- something's very wrong here!

So tomorrow i might try again but for now i think the birds will have cookies for a long time. If I lent you the recipe, can you PLEASE send it to me. I'm just sick about it!

1 comment:

  1. I remain hopeful this will have a happy ending. We are talking CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES here! I am also confident that you will let us know.
