Monday, March 8, 2010

Knock, knock!!!

Nothing motivates my young adult heart to hardcore cleaning like a few simple words: "MOM'S COMING!"

I love my momma dearly (and I'm not just saying that because I know she will be reading this) but I just cannot have a dirty home when she comes to visit. Maybe it is a subliminal way to prove that I am an adult now since she had to deal with a very messy version of me growing up. It's almost like I'm showing her that I have departed from my teenage slobby ways and can be a grown up.

So, my momma's coming on Saturday to come visit for the first time since we have been in Pennsylvania and I am so extremely excited! We haven't seen each other since Christmas and I miss her big time-- I always love when she comes to visit because I feel like I get my bearings back- she just gets me ( something you would have never heard coming from my teenage katy mouth!). Mom's famous saying is "Leftovers and house guests get old after more than three days." There ARE some house guests that get old, but my momma( and my momma-in-law for that matter) are not included in that list by any means. They are the "refreshers" that you love to be around and after a few days with them, you feel totally renewed. I want to be that kind of person!

So, mom, looking forward to seeing you and a wonderful visit... Pennsylvania is BEAUTIFUL and I think you will really like it here. I will work on cleaning and getting your guest room ready!:)


  1. Woo Hooo! Can't wait. I know I'll be refreshed, too. Can't wait to see your new home. Love, YBM

  2. Katy, your mom's name is permanently engraved on my mental Wall of Heroes. Your writing is proof that she has deeply imprinted you. I have no doubt that you already *are* "that kind of person".
