Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I like to experiment....

I don't know if you are like me, but I get SO tired of the same old meals over and over again. I have resolved to try new things and new recipes, even if they sound scary or above my head. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? Well, I bought a "Real Simple" magazine and picked a few recipes to try. The first was a shrimp and corn chowder. I mainly picked it because it was cold and I wanted some kind of hearty soup for dinner, but I also picked it because it had veggies I have never tried and we have an awesome grocery store that has an amazing organic produce section-- I am in heaven!

And the never before eaten veggies are:

leeks and fennel!

Now, I am not a mother of young children, so I don't know how to make kids try new things and eat healthy, but what I do have is a hungry man who is willing to try my home cooking if it smells good. My secret: I don't tell him what's in it til after he tries it! So, for the shrimp and corn chowder, would you like to see the secret ingredient? Hmm... well here it is!

The funny thing about this recipe is I was grocery shopping the day before and I saw Clam Juice on the shelf and I said ( out - loud by the way) "sick!" Boy, did I eat my words! They even make a drink up here called "Clamato" because people can't get enough of the stuff! It's basically the clammy version of v8 with clam juice and tomato all in one...yum! OK, I'm honestly gagging just thinking about it!

But, the chowder was a huge success! I was proud- we tried new things and I have expanded our food tastes. I say bring on the picky eaters!

I have to tell you one last funny story. When I leave to go run errands, I usually leave either the tv or the radio on so that the dog has some noise. Living in a townhome with neighbors that share the walls with us, there are so many new noises and the dog really freaks out, so I leave a little bit of background noise so he's not so paranoid and feels like someone's here with him. I know, it's silly and it's a waste of energy and electricity, but i use energy efficient light bulbs and I recycle, so I think i can afford to do this every once in a while!

So, you know how in a previous post I talked about how I am such a sucker for QVC, not that I buy, but just that I get sucked into their presentations even if its something I don't need. Well, I came home and the tv is blaring loud and it's on QVC (I distinctly remember putting it on HGTV) and this is how the dog is sleeping.

Now, tell me, is he my dog or what! :)


  1. Joe will probably try to get him hooked on Sports Center. It will be cheaper in the long run.

  2. That is a little spooky. I think I'd inventory the refrigerator before I left next time.
