Sunday, March 21, 2010

Doing Dave Ramsey Proud...

Before I go any further, you may be confused with me mentioning so many DAVE'S, so allow me to clear it up:

-there is "David" who is the biological father who we don't speak of often
-there is the "Dave" who is my sweet step dad that passed away less than a year ago
-then there is "Dave Ramsey" who is a Christian financial strategist who has a radio show and writes books on how to get out of debt and be a good steward with what you have...

Clear? K, let's begin!

Can I just brag for a quick moment? I think you need people around you who will celebrate life's little victories and cheer you here goes:

Joseph and I were married November 3rd...almost two and a half years ago now! Quickly after getting married, money was TIGHT and we were spending the majority of our takehome pay on interest. We sat down and looked at our finances and we were coming up six hundred dollars in the hole each month! We each came into the marriage with loads of debt- we paid for our own cars, colleges, the wedding, each had several small credit cards, and Joe had a brand new sports car with the price tag to match. Bottom line, we were living beyond our means and were slave to the creditors who could hike our rates at any time for no reason! This was foolishness!

So, we both read a book called the "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. He talks about being on the same page with your spouse on financial issues and making a "SNOWBALL" where you take the extra money each month and build it towards the smallest debt and then when it is paid off, you have more monthly to put towards the next largest amount you owe... so on and so forth til you are debt free and then you get to call into the radio show and scream because you earned it!

Well, we have been living by these principles for two years now and have made significant progress! It isn't always easy, but we are learning to budget and deal responsibly with our finances and someday (una dia) we will be able to get those things that we want and pay more being slaves to the lenders and the creditors!

Last night, we sat down together to pay bills and we paid off two more entire credit card balances and Joe's truck![We would have both cars paid off at this point, but a week before we moved here, my old Neon kicked the bucket ( it was paid off) and we had to get a new car to drive to PA in.] This was a HUGE victory for us! We have gotten rid of $44,875.24 in debt in two years! I truly think God honors you when you say its all His anyways, and you want to learn to be responsible with what He has blessed you with.

So, for now, the perfect Pottery Barn home and Nordstrom and Coach bags can all wait!


  1. Excellent! Good for you. What a great way to *start* out ...instead of waiting 10 or 15 years.

  2. wow!! thats huge! congrats to you for being disciplined and keeping at it!

  3. I am doing the noodle dance....let me explain, the noodle dance is from some animated tv show on some kid channel, when one of the animated characters did something exciting or something that made them got it! They broke into the noodle dance and everyone joined in!!
    So one big NOODLE dance for you two!! And as you live like no one else lives, may you soon, yes, so very soon LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE LIVES!!! ONE BIG NOODLE DANCE FOR YOU TWO..... AND may you keep the vision ever before you...may you press on to the day when you say;

  4. thanks A! We're pretty pumped- every little victory makes you want to do even more to put down more debt! I think we're going to throw a huge party when we finally get out of debt and you're all invited! love you...
