This was mom at the airport...she is still happy because we didn't realize her bags were in Denver at this point... minutes later, one of my favorite quotes of the trip,"Quick, look for someone about my size with straight hair, their clothes will fit and i bet they have a blow dryer and a CHI-- i can take their bag and make a run for it!"" We made a day out of Baltimore and hung around for about six extra hours waiting on her bags to get flown in, but had a great time and ate our first Maryland crab cakes- my mouth is watering just thinking about them!
The Hanover Reunion where we met up with Dave's brother, Kevin and his daughter Katie, Dave's sister, April, and Dave's oldest daughter, Heather. It was very interesting to see where Dave grew up and Kevin gave us the grand tour...a great day that meant so much to my momma...we're the short ones if you didn't guess!
We spent a day at Chocolate World in Hershey, PA..."The Sweetest Place on Earth"
Clearly, this was where the excitement was! Mom blogging and Joe looking at March Madness probably.
Mom and Joe with his b-day gifts; he got a LED maglite (Light Emitting Diode...we looked it up) and a signed CD from his favorite artist, Todd Agnew, who my mom stalks on a regular basis at sports day I think. :)
Todd Agnew signed this for Joseph...
We had a great time... so good to see back to the gym after all that food! One night we even had a "whoopie pie-tasting"...yum! Miss you momma-- hope to be coming your way soon!
My other favorite quotes from the trip:
-Joe in a Vera Bradley store " So I don't get it, are they purses or like grandma pillows?"
-Little Boy in Hershey who didn't understand the FOUL manure smell "Dad, that sure doesn't smell like chocolate to me! "
We packed a lot in a few days didn't we? Also, a sermon on how to treat the ladies, Utz's chips and beet eggs at convenience stores. Had a great time; hope to see you May 14th for Chris' graduation. YBM